Emily is passionate about any initiative that will make Hoboken a better place to live and work in. But these five platforms will be her focus for the next four years.

Mieke Smith Mieke Smith

Focus on Pedestrian Safety

Emily’s awareness of the need for pedestrian safety grew even more heightened when she became a parent living in the city. Walking around town with a stroller and young children combined with her frequent use of a bike to navigate the streets, gave her a unique perspective.

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Mieke Smith Mieke Smith

Support and Protect Affordable Housing Options

Under the existing affordable housing laws, development projects with more than 10 units that receive a density variance are required to set aside at least 10 percent of the units as affordable units. Emily believes this is not enough.

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Mieke Smith Mieke Smith

Commitment to Open Space - Especially Along the Waterfront

Open space enhances the quality of life for all residents, whether that space is used for active recreation or passive enjoyment. The first time Emily spoke at a City Council meeting was in 2017 when the Council was considering the use of eminent domain to acquire Block 10 in SW Hoboken to double the size of the SW Park.

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Mieke Smith Mieke Smith

Lead By Example as a Public Servant

Emily is committed to continue to serve the Hoboken community with honesty and integrity. She repeatedly emphasizes that she has no desire to be a politician – she’s a mom and social worker who cares about her community. She’s actively involved in Getting Things Done for Hoboken without letting red tape and political posturing distract her. Emily believes her background and unique perspective as a non-politician are essential components to the composition of the City Council.

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