Supporting and Protecting Affordable Housing
Emily is committed to protecting rent control and advocating for affordable housing in an effort to make Hoboken accessible and affordable for everyone.
Protecting Renters
During her time on the City Council, Emily has consistently defended rent control. She was among the strongest voices against the 2024 referendum, which would have crippled affordability in Hoboken, and she also introduced a unanimously-passed ordinance calling for a statewide ban on rent-setting algorithms, which quash competition between large landlords. Emily believes that robust tenant protections, for renters in controlled and non-controlled units alike, are essential to preserving Hoboken’s character and diversity.
Emily has begun working with the Administration to develop a Right to Counsel program in Hoboken, which would guarantee legal representation to eligible tenants facing eviction or other substantial disputes with their landlords. The program would be funded by fees assessed from developers, so the costs are not passed on to taxpayers. Offering tenants free counsel will ensure that the resources of large corporate landlords cannot pervert justice in eviction cases. As Mayor, Emily would be able to see this program through and ensure its success.
Affordable Housing Stock
Under the existing affordable housing laws, development projects with more than 10 units that receive a density variance are required to set aside at least 10 percent of the units as affordable units. Emily believes this is not enough. In 2019, Emily supported the proposed ordinance to increase this set aside to 15 percent – though it was pulled before going to a final vote.
Emily feels the community needs to do more to increase the affordable housing stock for low and middle-income families – that is why Emily has been working with the Administration for the past year on a proposed redevelopment of Municipal Garage B that would provide the requisite affordable housing set aside, with the balance of the residential units committed to workforce housing to ensure that our teachers, police officers, fire fighters, and tradespeople can both live and work in Hoboken.
Emily will also find ways to protect the existing stock of affordable units, through addressing the loop-hole in the rent control ordinance that allows for short-term rentals like Air BnB. Her administration would work with property owners to preserve rent controlled units and avoid demolition that is typically replaced with market rate condos.
You can read more about Emily’s Housing Platform HERE.